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Weekly Email Newsletter

CLIENT:  Boy Scouts of America, Troop 477

MARKET:  B2C Leadership and Experience Organization for Young Men and Women

ASSIGNMENT:  Design, create graphics for, and manage a weekly newsletter announcing troop activities and information. Troop committee members were responsible to submitting articles as needed.

I did this on a volunteer basis. My two sons are Eagle Scouts and my daughter is working towards becoming one of the first female Eagle Scouts. Ask me how she is doing!


  • Design and layout an email template based on BSA brand standards.
  • Code template with email friendly HTML,  inline CSS, and proprietary MailChimp code.
  • Create and send weekly newsletter emails.
  • Design, create, or source images for articles.
  • Photoshop images as needed.
  • Upload HTML into MailChimp to send emails.
  • Manage subscriber database in MailChimp.